Building the documentation


You can skip this section if you just want to get REGoth running. This guide is only relevant if you want to contribute to this documentation.

This documentation is written as reStructuredText and built using Sphinx. See here for a quick reference of the rst syntax. You will also need to have Doxygen and PlantUML installed (see Building REGoth, Development dependencies).

pip packages

The following pip packages are required:

$ pip install sphinx breathe sphinx_rtd_theme sphinxcontrib-plantuml

As usual with Python, it is recommended to use a virtual environment.


With a CMake project generated, run this from within the build directory:

$ cmake --build . --target REGoth_docs

This will generate the documentation as HTML into build/docs-source/html. Just open build/docs-source/html/index.html in your browser to view the documentation locally. To update GitHub-pages, copy the contents of that directory into the docs directory at the repository root.

Modifying an existing chapter

Simply go to docs-source/content and open one of the .rst-files with a text editor of your choice.

Adding a new chapter

To add a new chapter you will have to:

  1. Create a new .rst-file: docs-source/content/<your-chapter>.rst
  2. Add the new .rst-file to docs-source/index.rst